Solve the Frustrating Issue: Syncfusion Markers Not Showing Up on Demo Code
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Solve the Frustrating Issue: Syncfusion Markers Not Showing Up on Demo Code

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Are you stuck with Syncfusion markers not displaying on your demo code? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the common reasons behind this issue and provide step-by-step solutions to get your markers up and running.

What Are Syncfusion Markers?

Syncfusion markers are used to display additional information on a map or chart, such as symbols, images, or text. They’re an essential feature for enhancing the visual appeal and functionality of your application. However, when they don’t show up, it can be frustrating and hinder your development process.

Common Reasons for Syncfusion Markers Not Showing Up

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s explore the most common reasons behind this issue:

  • Improperly configured marker settings: If the marker settings are not correctly configured, they might not appear on the chart or map.
  • Incompatible version of Syncfusion: Using an incompatible version of Syncfusion can cause marker-related issues.
  • JavaScript errors or conflicts: JavaScript errors or conflicts with other libraries can prevent markers from displaying.
  • Incorrect data binding: If the data binding is incorrect, markers might not show up.
  • CSS or style issues: CSS or style issues can also cause markers to disappear.

Solution 1: Verify Marker Settings

Let’s start by checking the marker settings:

          <!-- Set the marker settings here -->

In the above code snippet, ensure that:

  • The marker settings are correctly configured and nested within the `` element.
  • The `` element has the necessary attributes, such as `shape`, `visible`, and `imageUrl` (if applicable).

Solution 2: Check Syncfusion Version Compatibility

Make sure you’re using a compatible version of Syncfusion:

Verify that your Syncfusion version matches the one specified in the demo code or documentation. You can check the Syncfusion version by:


If you’re using an incompatible version, update to the recommended version or seek assistance from the Syncfusion support team.

Solution 3: Inspect JavaScript Errors and Conflicts

Identify and resolve any JavaScript errors or conflicts:

Open the browser’s developer tools (F12) and inspect the console for any errors. Look for errors related to Syncfusion or the marker component:

Uncaught Error: Cannot read property 'marker' of undefined

If you find any errors, investigate and resolve them by:

  • Checking the Syncfusion documentation and demo code for correct implementation.
  • Verifying that all necessary JavaScript files are included and correctly referenced.
  • Ensuring that there are no conflicts with other JavaScript libraries or code.

Solution 4: Verify Data Binding

Check the data binding configuration:

Ensure that the data binding is correctly configured and the marker’s data source is properly set:

        <e-marker [dataSource]="markerData"></e-marker>

In the above code snippet, verify that:

  • The `markerData` variable is correctly defined and populated with data.
  • The data binding is correctly configured using the `[dataSource]` attribute.

Solution 5: Inspect CSS and Style Issues

Examine CSS and style issues that might be hiding the markers:

Check the CSS files and styles applied to the map or chart component:

  .e-marker {
    display: none; /* Remove this style or set to block */

Ensure that there are no CSS styles or rules that might be hiding the markers. If you find any, remove or modify them accordingly.

Additional Troubleshooting Steps

If the above solutions don’t resolve the issue, try the following:

  • Check the console for warnings or errors: Inspect the console for any warnings or errors related to Syncfusion or the marker component.
  • Verify the marker’s parent element: Ensure that the marker’s parent element is correctly defined and visible.
  • Test with a minimal demo code: Create a minimal demo code to isolate the issue and test it separately.
  • Consult Syncfusion documentation and support: Refer to the Syncfusion documentation and seek assistance from their support team if needed.


Solving the issue of Syncfusion markers not showing up on demo code requires a systematic approach to troubleshoot and resolve the underlying causes. By following the solutions and troubleshooting steps outlined in this guide, you should be able to identify and fix the problem, getting your markers to display correctly on your application.

Remember, a thorough understanding of Syncfusion components, JavaScript, and CSS is essential for resolving complex issues like this. With patience and persistence, you can overcome the frustrations and get your application up and running smoothly.

Solution Description
1. Verify Marker Settings Check the marker settings for correctness and completeness
2. Check Syncfusion Version Compatibility Ensure the Syncfusion version is compatible with the demo code or documentation
3. Inspect JavaScript Errors and Conflicts Identify and resolve JavaScript errors or conflicts with other libraries
4. Verify Data Binding Check the data binding configuration for correctness and completeness
5. Inspect CSS and Style Issues Examine CSS and style issues that might be hiding the markers

By following this comprehensive guide, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle the issue of Syncfusion markers not showing up on demo code and get your application running smoothly.

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “syncfusion markers not showing up on demo code” with a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Question

Syncfusion markers not showing up on demo code? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Why are my Syncfusion markers not displaying on the map?

Make sure you have added the marker layers to the Syncfusion Maps control correctly. Also, ensure that the marker data is properly bound to the control. If you’re still stuck, check the Syncfusion documentation for a step-by-step guide on adding markers to the map.

Are there any specific requirements for the marker data to display correctly?

Yes, the marker data should be in a specific format to display correctly. The data should contain latitude and longitude values, as well as any additional information you want to display, such as a title or description. Check the Syncfusion documentation for the exact data format requirements.

Can I customize the appearance of my Syncfusion markers?

Absolutely! You can customize the appearance of your Syncfusion markers by using the built-in customization options, such as changing the marker shape, color, and size. You can also use custom images or icons to replace the default markers. Check the Syncfusion documentation for more customization options.

Why are my Syncfusion markers not clustering correctly?

Make sure you have enabled marker clustering in the Syncfusion Maps control and set the clustering radius to a suitable value. Also, ensure that the marker data is properly grouped and ordered to enable clustering. If you’re still having issues, check the Syncfusion documentation for troubleshooting tips.

How can I troubleshoot issues with my Syncfusion markers not showing up?

Check the Syncfusion documentation for troubleshooting guides and FAQs. Also, try debugging your code to identify any errors or issues. If you’re still stuck, reach out to the Syncfusion support team for assistance – they’re always happy to help!

Let me know if you need anything else!

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